Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We have finished moving!!!! Yay! I'm so sick of seeing that stupid old house. I would much rather be at my home :) Anyways. So I'm now 32 weeks, 5 days. Our last appointment went well. We have been asking a lot of questions about our little boys first 'procedure'. We've heard a few horror stories and just want to be sure that we can trust the person. Our birthing classes are on Feb 7th & 14th. We're excited for them :) I dont think I have much to update about... Just getting bigger and bigger! So here are a few pics :) The second pic is of the cutest diapers I've ever seen!! Big monkey fan.. They were given to my friend Allyse at her shower and I just had to take a pic! The last pic is kind of hard to tell, but we got to park in the 'Expectant Mother' parkingat Harmons! We were so proud of Kylan :P

1 comment:

Becky Mendoza said...

You are soo cute! I love parking in the expectant mommy spot! Cute diapers! I love your theme! Can't wait to see Kylan's new room!